Even if you have never read directly from the Bible, we are all familiar with the story of Jesus’ birth. The infamous nativity scene is portrayed throughout the Christmas season in windows, on tree decorations and even in theatrical shows. During Christmas Eve services Luke 2:6-7 is always read aloud to the community, “While they…
Author: Star
The Polar Express Train to Heaven
There couldn’t be a better metaphor for the timing of God’s promises for you and the promise that he will return.
Buzz LightYear’s Gay Agenda
What’s All the Buzz About LightYear & It’s Gay Agenda? Opinion Piece, Author Star Evers We are fans of the movie series Toy Story. Naturally, the kids wanted to see the new Buzz LightYear movie. However, we had heard of it’s gay agenda and was not quite sure what to expect so we placed our…
Wonder Woman – A Surprising Emblem for Christians
*spoiler alert! Directed by a woman and starring a woman, the 2017 Wonder Woman movie, has a surprising parallel with the Christian church. Movie goers watch the ultimate fight, as a spiritual metaphor emerges for Christians and the corporate body of Christ. A classic tale of good versus evil, Gal Gadot who plays Diana as…
Why God’s Timing is DIFFERENT than Ours
WE all struggle over matters of time. We all have the same minutes in an hour and hours in a day and days in a week Yet, Many of us want to control the speed of time. When you’re waiting to get your first driver’s license, time isn’t fast enough. WE want time to hurry…
By Faith! Hebrews 11
This is straight out of God’s Word! BY FAITH!!! No Commentary Necessary! Hebrews Chapter 11 Faith in Action Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command,…
What’s in a Name? Fun Facts
If you could give yourself a new name what would it be? I have several nicknames and prefer them over my birth name. Have you ever noticed how family members can really get their feathers ruffled over names, after all they knew you as….(fill in the blank here), but what I found is that the…